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St Patrick's RC Primary School

Faith, Values and Ethos


As a Catholic school our distinctive nature is

reflected in the Mission of our school.


St. Patrick’s Catholic School is a caring place

where we work together to do our best,

knowing that we are all special in God’s eyes.


Through our Mission we aim to provide a caring environment where all will have the opportunity to achieve their full potential and come to know God as their loving Father.


We work in partnership with parents, pupils and our parish community

to achieve our aims and objectives


Our School Aims

  • To educate our children in the Catholic Faith, nurturing their spirituality and developing their understanding and tolerance and respect for others.


  • To equip each child spiritually, intellectually, aesthetically and physically.  To encourage them to become responsible members of the community in which they live and within society in general.


  • To teach a knowledge based, fully inclusive curriculum, which promotes cultural capital and enables every child to achieve the highest expectations set for them.


  • To create a happy and stimulating atmosphere where every child can achieve the best possible through activity and experience.


  • To help children to become independent, self motivated and self-disciplined individuals.


  • To develop understanding of the world in which they live, of the interdependence of individuals, groups, nations and the environment.


  • To establish a culture of learning for all in the school.  To stimulate and inspire learning and help children to learn how to learn. 


  • To support and encourage the development of children's self respect and respect for others.


  • To help children develop interests and skills to enable them to enjoy and make the best use of their leisure time.



The achievement of these aims takes place through:


  • Teacher/child relationships and an atmosphere conducive to learning.


  • A broad and balanced, knowledge based, inclusive and relevant curriculum, which caters for the needs of all children irrespective of ability.



School Vision

What we are trying to achieve for our children


When children leave our school at the end of Year 6, we aim for them to be confident, independent learners; who are caring members of the community; who show tolerance and respect; who have a strong awareness of keeping safe and being healthy, and demonstrate a well-developed sense of right and wrong. 
