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St Patrick's RC Primary School

Year 6

Class Information


Welcome to Year 6! Here's our fantastic class of 2024!


Meet the class!


Mrs Payton is the class teacher.

Mrs Hind and Mrs Hugo are the Teaching Assistants.

Mr Heron teaches Year 6 maths every day.

Mrs McGuirk teaches on Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoon.

Mr Wise takes Year 6 for PE every Monday.


Our class Saint is Saint Bernadette.


Saint Bernadette is forever remembered for her perseverance in suffering, childlike trust and humility. She is the patron Saint of shepherds and shepherdesses and of people who are persecuted or ridiculed for their faith. Her feast day is celebrated on the 16th April.




Our class charity is Team Evie.


Team Evie is a charity based in West-Cumbria and was set up in memory of Evie Johnston. Their mission is to help sick children and their families who face similar challenges to those Evie faced in her all too short life. To find out more about the wonderful work that Team Evie does, please visit


Year 6 have recently completed some fundraising for Team Evie by selling bags of sweets after school. We have raised £90 so far for this wonderful charity and this will be used to buy 9 'Parent bags' which provide all the necessary items parents need to get through a few days at hospital.









Each week, we expect children to complete ALL homework tasks. This includes:

  • 20 minutes reading every day.
  • 3 x 10-minute test books.
  • Learn spellings
  • 30 games on TTRockstars
  • Mathletics





'Julius Caesar' in the park!


Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a fantastic afternoon watching Julius Caesar in Curwen Park. This was a fantastic performance by 'Odd Socks Theatre Company' and was made even better with a free ice-cream! 

London Residential


We had the most amazing visit to London and were so proud of the fantastic behaviour of all our pupils. During our time in London, we crammed in as much as we possible could: London Eye, sightseeing, shopping at Leicester Square, Natural History Museum, Mrs Doubtfire the musical and the Harry Potter studios tour! It was exhausting but absolutely worth it! 


Art Exhibition at St. Michael's Church, Workington


Huge congratulations to Arabella, Ruby and Katie who won first place (Ruby), second place (Arabella) and third place (Katie) in our school in the local art competition run by St. Michael's Church, Workington. The theme this year was 'books' and the class drew the covers of their favourite books. All of the artwork was fantastic but these three pieces really stood out for their intricate design and accuracy. Well done girls - we are really proud of you!



Fusion Maths


Year 6 worked with teachers from St. Bees School on some fantastic maths problem solving activities. They worked in pairs to solve a range of problems, using a range of strategies. We were so proud of their perseverance and reasoning skills - some of the problems were very challenging!  


Author Visit - Helen Haraldsen


Year 6 enjoyed a fantastic writing session with local author Helen Haraldsen. She worked with the children on designing their own characters and then helped them to develop a plot for their story. The pupils were highly engaged and came up with some fantastic, imaginative ideas for stories! After half term, we will draft and edit our stories and Helen will judge the top entries.  


Monopoly Maths!


Y6 enjoyed a fantastic afternoon playing a ‘Monopoly Accounts Game’ with Adam from local Accountancy firm ‘Armstrong Watson’. We worked in teams and each child played an important role, such as accountant, banker or estate agent. Adam taught us how to record the income and expenditure. At the end of the game, we had to work out our total income and our total expenditure. Once we had these figures we could calculate our profit.  We added the profit to the money we started with and then counted our money to ensure these figures balanced. It was a great afternoon learning valuable life skills.



Everyday First Aid - Tuesday 19th September 2023


Today we participated in an 'Everyday First Aid' workshop led by Tony from the British Red Cross. We learned some valuable first aid skills, such as how to help people who had suffered cuts, breaks and burns. We also learned how to place people into the recovery position, how to perform CPR and how to use a defibrillator. 


