Year 4
Reading books can be changed as and when required. Children can take them home each day and return them to school the following day, this gives the children the opportunity to read longer texts both at home and at school. It is an expectation that by Year 4 children should read for at least 20 minutes a day.
Spellings are taken from the Year 3/4 statutory word list or from the Year 4 VocabNinja spelling programme. We encourage children to use Readiwriter to learn their spellings.
It is important that the children are fluent in all multiplication tables by the end of Year 4. Each week 30 games are set on TT Rockstars to reinforce the table facts that the children have been working on in class.
From time to time, other tasks will be set in the activity section on Seesaw. Please regularly check announcements on seesaw as this is our main method of communication about homework.