Year 5
Class information
Welcome to Year 5!
Mrs Whitehead is the class teacher.
Mrs Sandelands and Miss Holliday are the Year 5 teaching assistants.
Mrs McGuirk is our HLTA (Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon).
Mr Wise takes Year 5 for PE every Monday afternoon, whilst Mrs McGuirk teaches Computing.
Our class saint is St Martin de Porres
St. Martín de Porres (born 1579, Lima, Viceroyalty of Peru [now in Peru]—died November 3, 1639, Lima; canonized 1962; feast day November 3) Peruvian friar noted for his kindness, his nursing of the sick, his obedience, and his charity. He is the patron saint of social justice, racial harmony, and mixed-race people.
Our class charity
Our class charity is Banardo's
When life gets tough or it feels like there’s nowhere to turn, Barnardo’s is here.
We make sure children, young people feel safer, happier, healthier and more hopeful, by running over 800 specialist services across the UK, and campaigning to change the way the system works for the better.
We’ve been changing childhoods and changing lives for over 150 years, and we’ll be here for as long as we’re needed.
Each week, we expect children to complete ALL homework tasks. This includes:
- 20 minutes reading every day.
- Spelling task
- 30 games on TTRockstars
- Completing any Mathletics tasks that are set.
A visit from the author Helen Haraldsen
Fusion Maths with St Bees
Father Phillip helped us understand the Sacrament of Reconciliation
'Leap into Spring' sponsored activities to celebrate the leap year.
D&T making pop-up books
We performed in the community and sang for the customers at Natwest bank

Sharing the Nativity story with our community
Visiting Helena Thompson Museum to find out about Henry Bessemer and Victorian Workington
Year 5 Brockhole trip

Last year's Hawes End visit