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St Patrick's RC Primary School


RE is the ‘core of core subjects’ in our school.


At St. Patrick's, we aim to guide the children to become religiously literate young people who have the knowledge, understanding and skills to think spiritually and theologically and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday lives. Religious Education is a core subject in our school and is taught for at least 10% of the weekly timetable.


Our Religious Education curriculum is based on the delivery of the Curriculum Directory, supported by 'The Way, the Truth and the Life and the 'CAFOD Universal Church UnitsCatholic Primary Religious Education Programme, which guides the teaching and learning of Religious Education throughout the school. We ensure that our RE curriculum is creative in order to enthuse our children further. Our RE curriculum enables the children to explore key questions of life from the Christian tradition and how to put what they have learned into context.


As an integral part of our RE curriculum, we also work closely with our local Parish to prepare liturgies and we value the partnership between home, school and parish and the wider community.
