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St Patrick's RC Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Y3!


Our class teacher is Mrs Hamer.


Mrs Lea is our teaching assistant.


Mrs McGuirk teaches Y3 on Tuesday morning. 


Mr Wise has PE with Y3 on Wednesday morning.



Our Class Charity is the North Lakes Food Bank. 


Whole school foodbank collection for our class charity.

Our class saint is St Therese of Lisieux


We chose St Therese as our class saint because she was known for her 'Little Ways' - the little things she did every day that showed her trust in God. 



30 Days Wild! We are taking part in The Wildlife Trust's 30 Days Wild challenge. We are thinking about nature and how we engage with nature and the natural world.

Threlkeld 2024!


We had a fabulous time visiting Threlkeld Mining Museum in June!   Have a look at some pictures of our trip - even though it rained all day we all had a wonderful time! 

Threlkeld Mining Museum Trip!

Some of our activities so far this Autumn in Year 3! 


The Rotary Club presented each member of Y3 with their very own dictionaries earlier this year, and we were very grateful to receive them.


St Patrick's has a fabulous new build and Y3 have loved spending time in there!  


In Autumn Term our science topic is Animals including Humans, and we have been finding out about our bodies, how to keep them healthy and also what some of our bones are called. 


We are making cushions for Christmas as part of our Design and Technology topic for Autumn, and we have some wonderful needlework going on in Y3!  

The Pebble in my Pocket


We have been reading The Pebble in my Pocket as our class text this half term.  As part of our engagement with the book, we painted some rocks.  We think they look amazing! 

Painting Rocks - The Pebble in my Pocket.

Rocks and Soils - Science! 


We have been finding out about rocks and soils in our science lessons this half term.  To help us understand a little more,  we had a visit from a local geologist.  What a fantastic morning touching, looking closely at and finding out more about rocks! 

Class Collective Worship


As a school we enjoy weekly collective worship in class, prepared by different pupils each week.  Children really enjoy preparing and delivering their class worship.  
