Year 2
In the Autumn term, reading books are changed on Monday and Friday. On Mondays, the children will bring home an Accelerated Reader book that is matched to their reading level. Please return this book on or before Thursday. Children will take a quiz on this book. Monster Phonics books will be sent home on Fridays. Please return these books on Mondays. These books MUST be looked after and be returned to school promptly as they are used during guided reading sessions in school.
In the Spring and Summer terms, the children will take Accelerated Reader books home and quiz on them in school when they are returned. They will be changed as and when the children are ready for a new one. This will prepare them for KS2. Some children may continue to bring Monster Phonics books to help them build on their phonic skills.
Phonic sounds/spelling patterns will be communicated via Seesaw each week. Please help and support your child to read and spell words containing these sounds/spelling patterns.
Mathletics tasks will be set each week to reinforce key concepts taught in maths lessons.
In the spring term, children will begin to use TT Rockstars to practise the times tables that are being taught in school.